Have you ever been lost? If you have a map or GPS, you can probably find your way. If not, you may find yourself wishing you could have a bird's perspective so you can determine which way to go. Think about your spiritual life... Do you ever feel lost? We all do sometimes. If we only look at life from our own perspective, we may stay "lost" or confused. However, if we look at life from a higher perspective... God's perspective through Scripture... we find the clearer direction we seek.
To search the Scriptures to find a divine perspective, we must first have faith that God's Word is true. When we realize that God really does have plans for us, that His ways are really higher than our ways, then our spiritual eyes can be opened to see our circumstances from his heavenly perspective. See, we may be smart, we may hold college degrees, we may be wise enough to figure out some things on our own, but the truth is, our reasoning and reckoning and figuring all have the stain of sin, and therefore, are imperfect.
GOD IS INFINITE. The time frame we use to try to understand, analyze, and determine our life's course is limited. God, the great I AM THAT I AM, on the other hand, knows history from the beginning to the end and knows exactly what the future holds. Read Isaiah 40:6-31, with emphasis on verses 8-10.
GOD IS OMNISCIENT. Our understanding cannot hold a candle to His. We had to learn everything we know, but God sees all and knows all... Including our future.
GOD IS OMNIPOTENT. We tire physically, emotionally, and mentally. Our thoughts get clouded. God never gets tired and His thinking is crystal clear. He hears all, sees all, and works all things according to His purpose and accomplishes His every Word (Romans 8:28).
Taking all this into consideration, whose perspective would you say that we can more securely trust... ours or God's? Ask yourself who can see from the past into the future. Who has the higher perspective in order to decide on the best course to take? Who accomplishes His every Word? The answers to those questions are obvious, but trusting in God's perspective is not always easy. Trust in His Word. Wait on The Lord for guidance... for the answers you need. After all, He promises that we can have that "bird's eye" view we want as we "mount up with wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:6-31).
~Kay Dillard